© 2025
Millerstown Borough Council Meeting Minutes September 9, 2024 Those in attendance: Vice President Kevin Hertzler, Council members Tim Ritzman and Rich Fegley. Secretary Karen Knellinger, Operator Jared Wagner. HRG engineers Justin Medinsky and Isaac Underhill, Solicitor Bill Dissinger and Zoning Officer Tim Reilly. Vice President Hertzler called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Public and Private Concerns Sign ins for three minutes: No sign ins. Daughters Of The American Revolution (DAR) requested a proclamation be signed for all municipalities in Perry County to declare the week of September 17-24 as Constitution Week for the 237th Anniversary of the Constitution. Councilmember Fegely made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The minutes from the regular meeting were emailed and reviewed. Councilmember Fegely made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The bills/receipts/expenditures were reviewed and discussed. Councilmember Ritzman made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Fegley seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Street Committee Report Nothing to report. Sewer Committee Jared advises the air release valves have been cleaned five times and the pumps have still lost 100 gpm and seem to be getting worse over the past six months. Envirep changed out the pump housings and advises the main will need to be pigged out to find the clog. HRG was asked if this could be written into the Sewer Committee cont. grant. Two weeks ago all clearances and propellers were checked with no improvement. Councilmember Fegley asked if the rags or non-flushable wipes could be causing this and Jared advised they have been diligently clearing out the valves. Basin 2 needs to be pumped down to measure the bracket for basin one repair. The Penn Power quote of $4,000 to replace antifreeze in two motors is too expensive. Jared and Dave will look for an alternative. Water Committee Report The hydrant on East Sunbury Street was repaired and the valve was fine; they will reseed in the Spring. The new well pump has still not been received. Dave called for an update and it was to be shipped next week. Finance Committee Report Two estimates to replace the leaking Borough Hall roof were received. The roof is 24 years old and needs to be repaired before the winter, the vents in the back bathroom are leaking into the ceiling. A temporary patch was applied but will not last when it gets cold. The budgeted amount from last year was $10,000. The estimates received were: Lakeside Builders $13,320 for a 28 gauge metal, Reliance Contracting $15,868 for a 29 gauge metal. We are still waiting on the estimate from Hominy Ridge. Secretary Knellinger researched and the gauge should be a 26 or 28 as a minimum thickness. Councilmember Ritzman made a motion to approve the lowest quote after the last one is received. Councilmember Fegley seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. October budget planning sessions for 10/9 or 10/16. The missing Council members will need to be consulted. Solid Waste Committee Report A new contract will need to be advertised. Solicitor’s Report Solicitor Dissinger will reserve his business for Executive Session. Engineer’s Report Isaac advises there are no active plans to review. The sewer mains CCTV information is being complied and he will need to meet with staff to finalize the plan. EPA had a meeting with Secretary Knellinger to go over the grant parameters. The final grant application will need to have environmental clearances and prepare the proposal. The Service Line Inventory is due to DEP by October 16th. Zoning Permit Zoning Officer Reilly advises he did not have any permits to approve with two pending. Mayor’s Report Absent Old Business Council needs to have a new Chair for the Municipal Authority since Tim Reilly will be stepping down at the end of the year. Vice President Hertzler will approach Mike Hartley as Vice Chair Rapp had previously declined. New Business Secretary Knellinger is requesting to purchase a web cam for the office computer. She has not been able to participate in several zoom meetings. The cost is $39.99 and comes with an external mic. Also, greeting cards are needed for occasions to have on file. Councilmember Fegely made a motion to approve the purchases. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. PCBA wants to know the delegate and alternate. Councilmember Showers has resigned from the position. Tabled. The Borough building had an issue with large ants. Stoner Pest Control was called for a one time treatment that was effective. Council adjourned to an Executive Session for legal matters. Council went back to regular session at 8:00pm. Councilmember Fegley made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The next meeting will be held on Monday, October 7th at 7pm.
© 2025
Millerstown Borough Council Meeting Minutes September 9, 2024 Those in attendance: Vice President Kevin Hertzler, Council members Tim Ritzman and Rich Fegley. Secretary Karen Knellinger, Operator Jared Wagner. HRG engineers Justin Medinsky and Isaac Underhill, Solicitor Bill Dissinger and Zoning Officer Tim Reilly. Vice President Hertzler called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Public and Private Concerns Sign ins for three minutes: No sign ins. Daughters Of The American Revolution (DAR) requested a proclamation be signed for all municipalities in Perry County to declare the week of September 17-24 as Constitution Week for the 237th Anniversary of the Constitution. Councilmember Fegely made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The minutes from the regular meeting were emailed and reviewed. Councilmember Fegely made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The bills/receipts/expenditures were reviewed and discussed. Councilmember Ritzman made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Councilmember Fegley seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. Street Committee Report Nothing to report. Sewer Committee Jared advises the air release valves have been cleaned five times and the pumps have still lost 100 gpm and seem to be getting worse over the past six months. Envirep changed out the pump housings and advises the main will need to be pigged out to find the clog. HRG was asked if this could be written into the Sewer Committee cont. grant. Two weeks ago all clearances and propellers were checked with no improvement. Councilmember Fegley asked if the rags or non-flushable wipes could be causing this and Jared advised they have been diligently clearing out the valves. Basin 2 needs to be pumped down to measure the bracket for basin one repair. The Penn Power quote of $4,000 to replace antifreeze in two motors is too expensive. Jared and Dave will look for an alternative. Water Committee Report The hydrant on East Sunbury Street was repaired and the valve was fine; they will reseed in the Spring. The new well pump has still not been received. Dave called for an update and it was to be shipped next week. Finance Committee Report Two estimates to replace the leaking Borough Hall roof were received. The roof is 24 years old and needs to be repaired before the winter, the vents in the back bathroom are leaking into the ceiling. A temporary patch was applied but will not last when it gets cold. The budgeted amount from last year was $10,000. The estimates received were: Lakeside Builders $13,320 for a 28 gauge metal, Reliance Contracting $15,868 for a 29 gauge metal. We are still waiting on the estimate from Hominy Ridge. Secretary Knellinger researched and the gauge should be a 26 or 28 as a minimum thickness. Councilmember Ritzman made a motion to approve the lowest quote after the last one is received. Councilmember Fegley seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. October budget planning sessions for 10/9 or 10/16. The missing Council members will need to be consulted. Solid Waste Committee Report A new contract will need to be advertised. Solicitor’s Report Solicitor Dissinger will reserve his business for Executive Session. Engineer’s Report Isaac advises there are no active plans to review. The sewer mains CCTV information is being complied and he will need to meet with staff to finalize the plan. EPA had a meeting with Secretary Knellinger to go over the grant parameters. The final grant application will need to have environmental clearances and prepare the proposal. The Service Line Inventory is due to DEP by October 16th. Zoning Permit Zoning Officer Reilly advises he did not have any permits to approve with two pending. Mayor’s Report Absent Old Business Council needs to have a new Chair for the Municipal Authority since Tim Reilly will be stepping down at the end of the year. Vice President Hertzler will approach Mike Hartley as Vice Chair Rapp had previously declined. New Business Secretary Knellinger is requesting to purchase a web cam for the office computer. She has not been able to participate in several zoom meetings. The cost is $39.99 and comes with an external mic. Also, greeting cards are needed for occasions to have on file. Councilmember Fegely made a motion to approve the purchases. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. PCBA wants to know the delegate and alternate. Councilmember Showers has resigned from the position. Tabled. The Borough building had an issue with large ants. Stoner Pest Control was called for a one time treatment that was effective. Council adjourned to an Executive Session for legal matters. Council went back to regular session at 8:00pm. Councilmember Fegley made a motion to adjourn. Councilmember Ritzman seconded the motion. Approval was unanimous. The next meeting will be held on Monday, October 7th at 7pm.